So, these aren't "mini" compared to what I have been making, but many other artists would be happy to label them such, because they're only 5 x 7 inches. Therefore, my distinction for them is "small."
Drops No. 5 hand cut scrap papers, ink, matboard 5 x 7 inches |
Dyed found and cut magazine papers, matboard 5 x 7 inches |
Shake Before Using cut and found vintage wall paper, magazine cut outs, matboard 5 x 7 inches |
You guys, I have so many magazines now. IT'S RIDICULOUS. However, they are in neat stacks in my studio or in tubs in the basement, so it's not a hoarding situation, technically. Also, I'm using them. Recently, I have helped a friend with her attic (so much left! so many goodies!), found a tasty hoarding house down the street, came across some sweet nudie mags at an estate sale, and started in on a spot at the farm that I'd not discovered until a couple months ago. I have a nice cache of found photos and other weird ephemera, too.
Guess I better make some art, yeah?
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