Welcome to fall time here at Eighty Acres Art!
After a 7 week run of art shows, I had some time to regroup and prepare for a busy holiday retail season. I've been making some popular simple-yet-fabulous pieces out of antique piano music and paper dots on a grid. Some grids are straightforward squares, others are off-center, diagonal, or on arches. Please enjoy the new pieces and contact me if you are interested in purchasing! I'll be taking a majority of these to the City Arts space at the Wichita Art Museum for their Gifts in the Gallery Holiday Boutique. Others will travel with me around the KC and Lawrence area to the pop-ups perfect for cold weather shopping.
A family friend's mother was a piano teacher for decades and she generously donated many books to me for art purposes! I have enough paper to live several life times and not use it all, and I keep all the little bits and pieces from various applications. Trying to use them up, I found my trusty hole punch from the early vinyl clock days and started at it.
Without further adieu...
Four Most Popular antique sheet music back cover (1908), pencil, misc. paper dots approx. 11 x 14 inches |
Four Most Popular detail |
Don't forget, I'm on